February Bah!

4:39 AM

  1. I have a new manager now.
  2. But admin department wants to transfer me to another department.
  3. Because of these changes, the workload has gone crazy.
  4. I did well on my first semester, but didn't get to achieve my CGPA goal (super bummed).
  5. I think my financial saving plans are going down the drain. XD
  6. That goes with my weight too. lol
Let's split this thing up!
Part Time Study
So on our first semester, we had to endure 6 subjects for 3 months (yes short sem). And the struggle was real, so real there was one assignment i didn't even sleep the whole night but only end up getting probably the worst grade this semester. That's how tough it was. But for my current semester, we're pretty chilled because not only one subject is reduce but it's along semester. Means we can chill as much as we want to. #thankgod

Overall the subjects are okay, a lot of writing assignments. And i'm so in love with the lecturers, they're so open minded and motivating. Hopefully this sem i can achieve the "Dean" goal.

My Weight
Probably the funniest post of all, cause i think i'm gaining weight. And NO, i have yet to scale myself so help me god.

The only book i'll probably read is my notes and text books. #nerd

Biggest Achievement
Hmm... Tough question, but interesting to answer at the same time. Let's see February. I think my biggest accomplishment is being able to finish a lot of work despite the havoc we're enduring at the moment. I'm not perfect, and i'm a procrastinator at its best. And i lack a lot of talent. So to be able to at least get a green light on a project, is just enough for me. It might not be my best artwork, but at least i can sleep at night.

Financial Savings
Almost down the drain, it's not even a week and i'm already about to suffer a lot this month. I am slowly failing myself haha.

Self Reflect
It's a privilege for me to be able to take part time studying. It's hard but it's so worth it. I don't regret a second of it. It's just amazing to be able to meet lecturers who are super generous of their time and effort to educate us. I feel so grateful to meet them. They'll encourage you to explore and question anything and everything. It's an open book, they make it a COMPULSORY for you to be brain and make mistakes. It's the most beautiful thing i've ever experience. You have no idea how happy i am.

Anyhow, that's that. Ngeheh.

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