September Blues

7:21 AM

Procrastinating at it's finest, this is why i was away for two months. Actually no, i was pure busy with work. It was our semester break though, which was amazing. But registration day for semester 3 is this Saturday, ugh.


Part Time Study
Going to my 3rd semester this month. Am i ready to go back to weekend school? Hell no. Result was okay though. Okay as in, couldn't done better. Hopefully i'll ace this semester. Please God be beside me.

No more group presentations please.

My Weight
Went to medical check up to find that i am currently weighing 52kg. That's such a sad result, cause i was 53kg in January haha. So much for wanting abs man. Result for Medical check up was okay too, everything normal.

Have yet to start reading any book.

Biggest Achievement
I think Sports Day should be my biggest achievement and also that i managed to join Futsal team. But i'm such a loser at sports i tell you. I'm not even proud of any haha.

Oh wait, i did kinda prank my boss during her birthday. And she almost died. We wrapped her whole office with newspaper. How thoughtful.

I also got the experience of going to Dinner in the Sky. I am super afraid of heights. So this was super challenging for me. I couldn't even eat properly. But still one awesome experience!

Financial Savings
Dying. Not looking well. Already broke in 2 weeks after gaji.

Self Reflect
Such challenging time now, a lot of ups and downs at work. But i found that i need to be calm during tough storms, or pretend to be calm. That's the only time when i get things done faster and with quality. And i have to be emotionless, especially when facing certain people. Work is work. Nothing should be personal. People can say things about you, but only God can truthfully judge you. So, that's that.

Another vacation. Please?

July Pry

3:00 PM

Just got back from KL on Thursday night. Still tired, still wanting to have longer holidays. I wish i could have the whole month off, but that'll just be crazy. Not.

I am broke AF. Like so broke, i couldn't even go to lunch today. And i don't even wanna bother haha. I don't want to sleep because i don't have much alone time nowadays. I need my alone time. Just a quiet hour where it's just me, myself and i. Nothing beats that.

I lost about 2-3kg during Ramadan Puasa, i kid you not. But face is bloated as hell. I think too much Sodium when we were in KL. I love KL. Not because of the busy life, but more because it's so different than KK. It's always nice to get away from something you're always used to. I hope to go further next year, have to save money though. Which i am bad at.

I think i would love to explore more about writings. My previous semester was all about writing and i felt like dying haha. And i think it's always an opportunity whenever my bosses ask me to write something. I've wrote small reviews and articles before, ain't that something. I've never boasted about it because my mentally at that time was just to chase deadlines. But when i think about it, DAMN i wrote something for a magazine. KEWL.

July onwards will be very busy for me, i hope i can survive this. I'm still in holiday mode btw.

Midnight Thoughts

11:00 AM

My June post is in draft because i got busy and stopped. But now i'm having a hard time continuing it. This is the reason why i never get things done haha. I always hate doing things half way. I hate going back to it cause the mood becomes different and all inspirations would disappear.

So where am i in life right now?
I think i'm still a confused kid. I'm using the term kid because i'm just that immature. I can't make decisions on my own, i listen to people's opinions too much and i'm not mean enough to say No. I don't like being fussy, that's one thing. I don't like to make it hard for other people. But then again it doesn't help with my team building skills nor leadership skills. I'm always in trouble because i don't speak up. Which is true. But how do you speak up when most of the people around you are seniors. I don't really get how that works yet. I have to make myself comfortable around people.

I'll be going through very rough months soon, so many events and things to do. School is starting to be difficult, i hope my grades don't drop.

Oh well, that's all for now.

Meh May

10:39 AM

YES I KNOW! I MISSED OUT BOTH MARCH AND APRIL! I swear it is not on purpose! So... here's what happened.

I have different passwords for different social medias. So because there's so many, i would write it down on my "secret" book. Long story short, i lost the book. For 2 months. Yape yape. Mum finally found it. Yes, MUM. Only she knows where to find things that are lost in the house!

Anyhow, enough yapping.

  1. I have moved into a different department in early April.
  2. But sadly i now have 4 different bosses to go through, including our GM.
  3. There's a lot of work, but somehow i'm working faster here. I guess it's because i'm less pressured. FOR NOW.
  4. I'm doing writes up too. Luckily only a little.
  5. I screwed hard on my Japanese quiz, midterm AND oral test, cause i didn't study at all. SADLY.
  6. My financial saving plans are going down the drain. Definitely. XD
  7. That goes with my weight too. STILL, SORRY.
Split splat
Part Time Study
As said previously, this is a long semester. BUT dear God, the assignments are crazy a lot.

Too many writing assignments AND group assignments. I'm starting to get pissed off with group assignments because it's super hard to deal with the kids that don't even give af about effort. Almost died, i tell you. Didn't have enough sleep for almost a month because of these double workloads.

My Weight
Let's weight ourselves, shall we? 53 kg................ So i didn't lose nothing... DAMMN...

I'm still with my notes and textbook. I have a sad life.

Biggest Achievement
Well, my t-shirt design finally came out early May and it took of quite well. SADLY, something went wrong with the papers that were supposed to be approved by the admin. It's not looking well.

Financial Savings
Still in the drain. Just when you thought you were doing well. Your money went missing hahah. Oh well, try harder!

Self Reflect
I need to do well with work. I'm starting to show my sloppiness. I'm doing a lot of things but at the same time, i'm taking way too much time doing it. While my colleague is able to finish her task in a day. I'm taking a week. I'm so lazy. I need to focus.


February Bah!

4:39 AM

  1. I have a new manager now.
  2. But admin department wants to transfer me to another department.
  3. Because of these changes, the workload has gone crazy.
  4. I did well on my first semester, but didn't get to achieve my CGPA goal (super bummed).
  5. I think my financial saving plans are going down the drain. XD
  6. That goes with my weight too. lol
Let's split this thing up!
Part Time Study
So on our first semester, we had to endure 6 subjects for 3 months (yes short sem). And the struggle was real, so real there was one assignment i didn't even sleep the whole night but only end up getting probably the worst grade this semester. That's how tough it was. But for my current semester, we're pretty chilled because not only one subject is reduce but it's along semester. Means we can chill as much as we want to. #thankgod

Overall the subjects are okay, a lot of writing assignments. And i'm so in love with the lecturers, they're so open minded and motivating. Hopefully this sem i can achieve the "Dean" goal.

My Weight
Probably the funniest post of all, cause i think i'm gaining weight. And NO, i have yet to scale myself so help me god.

The only book i'll probably read is my notes and text books. #nerd

Biggest Achievement
Hmm... Tough question, but interesting to answer at the same time. Let's see February. I think my biggest accomplishment is being able to finish a lot of work despite the havoc we're enduring at the moment. I'm not perfect, and i'm a procrastinator at its best. And i lack a lot of talent. So to be able to at least get a green light on a project, is just enough for me. It might not be my best artwork, but at least i can sleep at night.

Financial Savings
Almost down the drain, it's not even a week and i'm already about to suffer a lot this month. I am slowly failing myself haha.

Self Reflect
It's a privilege for me to be able to take part time studying. It's hard but it's so worth it. I don't regret a second of it. It's just amazing to be able to meet lecturers who are super generous of their time and effort to educate us. I feel so grateful to meet them. They'll encourage you to explore and question anything and everything. It's an open book, they make it a COMPULSORY for you to be brain and make mistakes. It's the most beautiful thing i've ever experience. You have no idea how happy i am.

Anyhow, that's that. Ngeheh.

Blog Goals!

11:47 AM

After much deliberation (not at all), i've decided to continue on with blogging. I know i'm an unsuccessful blogger as i've failed tremendously on my previous blog project, but i'm still keen on doing blogs because i think it's a great exercise for my writings. I think my lack of writing freely made me feel mentally unproductive.

Just like my previous blog project, this blog will be on-going (hopefully) for 5 years. And then we'll work on whether i still wanna blog or if i just wanna drop it all and stop writing altogether.

The main reason why i didn't managed to always update my previous blog was because of time and also the lack of motivation to do it. I had so many changes going on in my life, i just didn't have the time to keep up with things. A LOT OF THINGS. I think even my Dayre account is just... so-so. Oh, and the reason why i didn't wanna move to a full time Dayre journey was because despite it being more convenient than blogging, i just hate typing on my phone. PERIOD. I don't know if it's an age thing, but i get super annoyed whenever i can't write smoothly. The ideas and the things i wanna write would get stuck half way just because i have to keep pressing backspace and try to hit the right alphabet letter correctly. In which i keep failing miserably. So, there.

Here's a quick update on my life, and after this we'll figure out what i wanna achieve with this blog and how i might do it.

  1. I'm about to go into my 2nd year of working full time this year, still a graphic designer and sales assistant.
  2. Going into my 2nd semester this February. In case you didn't know, i'm currently doing part-time degree in Communication.
  3. I'll be 27 this December, still a long way to go ehem.
  4. Currently at 53kg......
  5. Haven't finished a book in probably a year.
  6. Don't have ANY successful financial savings.
Where do i wanna go from here?
  1. The reason why i changed my field to Communication is because i wanted to get out from Graphic Design. First and foremost, i'm not a graphic student. I'm a multimedia diploma graduate. I'm currently in a field that i'm clueless of and have a lack of interest. I do have basic foundation of Graphic Designing, BUT i'm don't specialise in it. And it's not that i can't learn from scratch, but it's cause the job is way too detailed organised and too technical in which i am slowly but surely failing miserably. So i'm going to work super hard to move out of this field. This has to be my last graphic design job.
  2. I need to get that mother trucker Degree. Once i have it, my opportunity in the working world expands.
  3. Freshly a month or so being 26, i'm kinda disappointed and embarrassed that i haven't achieved anything big in my life yet. I'm such an introvert and i don't have anything i wanna brag about my life. All i ever do is complain and set goals that i'll never achieve. EVER. Not even small ones. It's crazy how unproductive i am, my whole life! I need a change. Hopefully i don't make an arse out of myself with this one.
  4. I've always wanted a flat tummy. But i've managed to gain about 8 kg since 2015. 2 years and 8 kg. Dude, NO. I'm not married yet, this can't be happening fast. I need to control myself. DISCIPLINE! I need to get back down to a forty something.
  5. I NEED TO FINISH A BOOK! Any book, i need to. Cause i bought so many, but i really don't have the time to read it. I'm always on the go. But this year, i really need to read.
  6. Most importantly, i need to have money once i reach 30. I ain't gonna be broke. I've been working ever since graduating and i have NO financial savings. That's just crazy. All that money went to that 8kg of fats. Congrats!
So how do i achieve all the above with this blog?
  1. I'm hoping to do an end of the month post once a month. This is my "baby-steps" goal i'm putting for this blog. Because i know how lazy i can be. Every month i'll update my blog and see things i've achieve or update things in my life. I might also do random posts, just for the sake of my thoughts roaming around.
  2. I need to update these few things in my life so that i'm constantly reminded of my goals. I think i'll just do a small memo on each posts on the progress of part time studying, my weight, what book i'm reading that month, what was my biggest achievement that month, hows my financial savings going. I'll add on if i need to, but these are the important ones.
  3. I'm still thinking if i should set a target. Like if i need to lose 5kg this year. It sounds motivating but i'm just scared that it's too much of a pressure for me and i'll start slipping away again. Let's think about this first.
So far that's just that. I'll try to make more progress on this and hopefully figure something out before end of February.

Time to hit the sack.

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